The Oasis ladies met up in March for a really fun event at Temuhouse.
It was a time of pouring back into our lives as women, making space for ourselves to just relax, talk about marriage as we made art together. The beauty of it all was how it brought us back to think about our marriages. Crafting relationships is definitely an art form, and requires energy and skill for it to be better. When our own cups are full, we are then able to pour more love into the relationships around us.
“Prior to the event, I was feeling emotionally exhausted from the day to day routines and was constantly feeling frustrated with my kids. Something in me lifted after attending this event. My cup was full, knowing that life can be beautiful in the midst of mess and I was able to love my family back instantly. What a memorable and fruitful day it was for me.” – Beh Tee –

When the idea to create this event came about, we wanted to infuse creativity with topics that matter. We are born to be creative, and when given the space and time to do so, something in us clicks, and energy is released.
“Beautiful living then takes all of that perspective and perseverance plus a whole lot of imagination. Crafting relationships is definitely an art form, and artistry connotes mastery, a unique flair, a stroke of genius. Stay open and flexible, playful and imaginative, even slightly rebellious. Be as curious and as observant as a Renaissance woman, and you will, in the end, have your masterpiece. It will happen! You can do it.” —Ramona Zabriskie

We asked the ladies about how this activity related back to their marriage. Some of them shared about how you really have to trust the process and not rush through it. Others felt that they needed to take care of themselves first, have a full cup, then they are able to pour out goodness into the lives of the people around them.
Luisa said, “I realized to begin, we need to choose the right colors. Maybe it’s like choosing the right husband. But you’ll never know how the outcome will be until you pour it out. When you begin the process, you might think, “Oh no! I don’t like this, ” but give it some time, just keep going and let it flow. In the middle of it, you’ll pick up a skill on the directions to manoeuvre so that you’ll get the best effects, and in the end, you will find a masterpiece!
Also, we have to be very intentional about what we pour into the relationship. Are we pouring in warmth, good things, smiles, laughter, kindness?
Or are we pouring in stress, tension, cold shoulders, and anger? Because the end result will be very different.”
Well said, Luisa!
Would you like to join us for future Oasis events? Drop us a message if you do! To view more photos, visit our Facebook album here.
About Oasis
Oasis is a community of resilient married women who empower each other as they do what it takes to lead and love their families. It is part of Comma: Rethink Life’s vision to provide support for strong marriages to thrive and to encourage purposeful parenting among families in Malaysia.

“I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men. They are far superior and always have been. Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she’ll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her….” —Sir William Golding