“Hey dear, can you take a video of us, please?”
It seemed like a very innocent request, but somehow, this question threw us into a huge argument that left both of us unhappy.
“Why do you need to shoot and post everything online? Can’t you just be in the moment?”
I began to feel indignant and said, “Fine. I will never ask you to take any photos or videos of us anymore. If I want to take a shot of the kids, I will just do it on my own.”
On hindsight, it wasn’t a wise response.
When Alex was out of earshot, Krysta said, “Let’s surprise daddy. We will prepare dinner and then when he comes down, we will shout, surprise! And then, you will kiss him.”
Gee, I was all for surprises but I didn’t feel like blowing kisses.
I guess the surprise worked somehow, and he looked calmer. We are not the kind of couple that gives each other silent treatment so we decided to talk about it immediately.
A thought then occurred to me.. Since his love language is quality time, he must really want to give undivided attention to the kids and the moment that we were about to share. But the phone was an unwelcome intruder.
For me, recording the moment on a device was an extension of my mind, I thought I was merely recording memories. I felt offended that I was not allowed to do so whenever I wished.
Social media and the need for constant content can sometimes be the source of many quarrels. I had to decide, which was more important at that time. True, the moment I wanted to record was fleeting, but my relationship with my husband is ongoing.
We came to a conclusion of mutual respect.
He acknowledged his tone of voice and choice of words were less than ideal. And I admitted that I need to be more sensitive and respectful to his desires too.
I didn’t get my footage today but got a valuable lesson.
FYI, he approved this post.